Volunteer Readers for Families Read Every Day


Our children are our future, let’s invest!

Volunteer readers can provide a positive reading experience for children. Reading aloud to children is the single most important activity for building the knowledge needed for ultimate success in reading. Children who are read to at an early age are more likely to become readers themselves and do well in school, not to mention the importance vocabulary exposure has on their cognitive development. Low-income kids who get early-learning support are 29% more likely to graduate high school.

Volunteer readers can also show parents how much fun reading with children can be, and provide helpful tips for getting children excited about books.


Early reading is so important because:

  1. Teaches language
  2. Improves listening skills
  3. Exercises imagination
  4. Builds brain connections

United Way of Southwest Oklahoma’s Success By 6 /Smart Start Oklahoma Initiative has launched an exciting project "Families Read Every Day" to promote reading among pre-kindergarten students. There are several ways you can participate. Be a reader!  Donate a book! You don’t have to teach a child HOW to read; just teach them to WANT to read.

United Way of Southwest Oklahoma’s Success By 6 is committed to helping all children succeed.  By helping prepare children for school readiness we are investing in our future and introducing a joy of learning and reading. A language rich environment helps develop skills needed for school readiness. 


We have selected FIVE pre-kindergarten classes. Choose a class that is conveniently located near you.  Reading days will be once a week, on Tuesday or Thursday, at 10:30 A.M. You can read as often as you like.   

Step 1.  Decide which day of the week you will read and how many times you want to read.
Step 2.  Select a location from the list of participating facilities.
Step 3.  Pick your favorite childhood book. Once you’re selected your book let us know if you want us to purchase the book.  After you read with the class, you’ll sign the book and leave it with the class to encourage them to continue to read. 

Our goal is to improve Lawton’s future economic outlook by raising the level of educational attainment and workforce proficiency.  It really is as easy as reading a book!

To volunteer, donate a book or for further information please contact: Sarah Head at sarah.head@uwswok.org or call our office at 580-355-0218